Tuesday 30 August 2016

Facebook and Communication

Facebook and communication

Is Facebook changing your identity?

Self Presentation:

Facebook gives us a way of presenting a narrative of ourselves to the world - a digital self. 
We are authors and gatekeepers. Do we have more control over the self- presentation of our virtual self compared to our actual self?


Facebook allows us to use both verbal and non verbal communication.


This is largely expressed through the images we choose to post ... 
Think about your profile picture: what are you communicating through your posture, your facial expression & what you are wearing?
Accent cannot be communicated but dialect can be. Our choice of words is used to stage ourselves in a particular way - it is used as a code to create insiders & outsiders.
What words would you never use on your FB page?
What words and expressions do you always use?
How do you communicate tone and humour through the way you present words on your page?


Facebook has even changed the English language, becoming a verb: I will Facebook you...
Other words have taken on new meanings too, like 'poke'...


We gain feedback from others in various ways - through the number of 'likes' our comments receive,through the comments posted on our wall ... the feedback we receive is also just as likely to be cynical as it is sincere...

Does the number of 'friends' we collect also affect our self esteem? 

Marketing tool

Companies & institutions have FB pages too now. How does RUTC present itself on its Facebook page?


Research shows that we are more likely to feel favourably about brands which are advertised on our own page compared to those advertised on other people's pages.

Cooley's Looking Glass Self

How other people react to our status updates & pictures probably affects how we feel about ourselves - perhaps sometimes leading us to edit and delete later...


The friends we collect on FB can be seen as a group - who isyour 'group' closed to? 
Do you let yourparents join your FB page?
As a group, we reinforce each other's self esteem and narrative. We might see this virtual community as fulfilling needs of belonging(Maslow). 
We share in-jokes and codes that others might not understand.#

The Self -Fulfilling Prophecy

Do you ever write in a certain way or express certain attitudes because you know that your 'audience' (your 'friends') are expecting you to?