Sunday 8 March 2020

Theme 1: Valuing Diversity: Legislation, Affirmative Action.

Is a lack of diversity in some workplaces an issue?


Consider this story. Click on the headline:

Workforce diversity acknowledges the reality that people differ in many ways, visible or invisible, mainly:



Marital status, 

Social status,


Sexual orientation,



Ethnicity and 


There is clear evidence that having a more diverse workforce leads to improved business performance.

Click on the headline:

This has not always been the case.

Discrimination was common in the UK:

Over time in the UK equality issues have been subject to Acts of Parliament:

Click on the picture.

This was the minimum businesses had to do to promote equality and diversity at that time.

Some organisations, notably in the US wanted to go further than legal protection with what became known as affirmative action.

'Action favouring those who tend to suffer from discrimination or positive discrimination'.

In the UK this is legal. More here.

Why do you think this is controversial, particularly in the US?

More and more businesses now claim to 'value difference' or 'value diversity'. 

Click on the picture: