Wednesday 18 December 2019

Business Communication: Assignment

Access to HE Diploma: Business

Business Communication and Information Management

Assignment Task 1: Writing a formal business report called “Effective Business Communications”

   1. Produce a cover sheet with the report title, your name, ID number and appropriate picture.

   2. The first part of the report is called an ‘Executive Summary’. Use this as a heading.

A summary that helps the reader quickly grasp the reports purpose, conclusions and key recommendations.

I would recommend you complete this last.

   3.  Next, ‘Introduction / Terms of Reference’.
What you have been asked to report on, the context and a brief profile of the organisation.

You could also mention the limitations, if any, of the report and any assumptions made.

 You could add a statement that because you only investigated a small part of a much larger organisation that the findings might not be representative of the organisation as a whole.

   4. The next heading is ‘Methodology’. 

Here you explain how you collected your primary (first hand) data. 

I would like you to use a questionnaire and a focus  group to collect evidence.

  Explain why you thought a questionnaire was            appropriate, how many questions you asked to how many people and on what topics. 

 Also, you may have used secondary sources of data. 

 You can briefly explain this here.

   5. Next, ‘Findings’.

   An audit of the different methods of internal and external communication used by the organisation.

   Start by explaining that 'communication' is often described as a model:

You need to explain the different components
of the model and explain what 'noise' means.

Then you need to explain what were the main

forms of workforce communication used within

your chosen organisation?

What were the factors that get in the way and
became barriers to good and effective
communication in the organisation?

    6. Next, ‘Discussion’. 
Were the chosen forms of communication      

How effective were the communication
methods used within the organisation?

How effective were communication methods
with external stakeholders?

Explain why there may have been barriers to 
effective communication.

Explain how barriers to communication may
cause problems, particularly with regard to
employee / stakeholder engagement, equality
and diversity and could affect organisational

    7. Next, ‘Conclusion’.

A summary and interpretation of the findings and explaining the outcomes from your discussion.

Link back to the terms of reference for the report and how you have met these.

Do not introduce any new material.

   8. Next, ‘Recommendations’.

   Specific solutions to overcome the barriers to communication you have identified..

   Describe how the recommendations should be implemented and any implications (costs, benefits, resources needed.)

   9. Next, ‘References’.

A list of any sources mentioned in the report. 

Use the Harvard referencing system.

   10. Finally, ‘Appendices’.

Additional information related to the report such as your questionnaire.