Sunday 4 October 2020

Welcome to Access to HE Diploma: Business

What are the characteristics of a successful Access student?

Think about:



Meeting deadlines.

Quality of coursework.

Class notes.

Being organised.

Susan and Robert:


The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

"there were accusations of plagiarism"

copying, infringement of copyright, 
stealing, poaching, 
"there were accusations of plagiarism"

Link to University of Oxford:
Click on the picture.

Video tutorial: 

Starting the year as we mean to go on.......




Fear in a hat:

Sunday 8 March 2020

Theme 1: Valuing Diversity: Legislation, Affirmative Action.

Is a lack of diversity in some workplaces an issue?


Consider this story. Click on the headline:

Workforce diversity acknowledges the reality that people differ in many ways, visible or invisible, mainly:



Marital status, 

Social status,


Sexual orientation,



Ethnicity and 


There is clear evidence that having a more diverse workforce leads to improved business performance.

Click on the headline:

This has not always been the case.

Discrimination was common in the UK:

Over time in the UK equality issues have been subject to Acts of Parliament:

Click on the picture.

This was the minimum businesses had to do to promote equality and diversity at that time.

Some organisations, notably in the US wanted to go further than legal protection with what became known as affirmative action.

'Action favouring those who tend to suffer from discrimination or positive discrimination'.

In the UK this is legal. More here.

Why do you think this is controversial, particularly in the US?

More and more businesses now claim to 'value difference' or 'value diversity'. 

Click on the picture:

Theme 2: Legislation that Directly Impacts Diversity

Click on the picture:

Wheelchair dancer sues company over dance floor ban. Details here.

Deaf failed by Welsh health boards under Equality Act. Details here.

Recruitment agency criticised for job ads specifying bra size. Details here.

Theme 3: TheValue of Diversity in the Workplace

In this era of globalisation, many companies are making efforts to achieve workforce diversity.

Companies aim to employ workers from different backgrounds to provide benefits to the organisation. 

Understanding the advantages of workforce diversity helps you establish an organisation with a competitive edge. 

Increase in Productivity:

Workforce diversity can bring about an increase in productivity and competitive advantages. 

Employers can offer more solutions to customers because of new ideas and processes brought into the organisation. 

Workplace diversity increases employee morale and causes employees to desire to work more effectively and efficiently. 

Increase in Creativity:

Workforce diversity increases creativity within a company because heterogeneous groups may think and act in the same way. 

Employees from different backgrounds bring in a variety of solutions on how to achieve a common goal. 

Language Skills:

Companies that plan to expand into global markets benefit from language diversity in the workplace.

For example, a company with employees fluent in Japanese and who understand Japanese culture experiences an easier time communicating with representatives from Japan. 

Many bilingual workers experience an advantage when applying for jobs because employees understand the benefits of language diversity. 

Another example can include a company that hires employees fluent in Mandarin to increase the company's reputation in Chinese communities. 

An increased presence usually results in an increase in sales.

Positive Reputation:

Job seekers are drawn to companies with diverse workforces because it is evident that the companies do not practice employment discrimination.

Potential employees want to know that employers treat their staff fairly regardless of race, ethnicity or gender.

Would a diverse workplace have prevented these marketing mistakes:

Managing Diversity: Theme 3

Click on the images:

Click on the headline:

Theme 4: Migration Trends

Understand evolving demographic trends:
Click on the picture

Modern UK migration trends:

10 years of the Polish community in Southampton:

Migration statistics:
Migration Watch is generally anti immigration into the UK. Click on the picture.

Migration news from the BBC. Click on the picture.

Impact of migration on businesses. Read the executive summary here.